As the journey in Madrid nears the end, the phrase Catch and Release constantly replays in my head. That’s life. We catch something, someone and we release. Whether we want to or not. Releasing is what is most difficult. The experience or the person, always leaves.. it is up to us to release it. My mom told me today… “the past is gone” Gone. Meaning it does not exist, literally and tangibly. Whatever pain or happy moments that once existed do not exist anymore, in reality. They are only brought back to existence, if we bring them back to existence. In our minds. Therefore, Catch and Release.
I have caught this experience and am currently still in it, yet I know that in the upcoming weeks I must release it. Release it, so that I can get hold of another one. Just as good. Just as fulfilling, just as beautiful. Hopefully, I will catch Madrid again. In a different capacity, at a different time, doing something else. In this time in my life of figuring/sorting things out, only the future knows what will bring me back here. I am eternally grateful for this. For Madrid. To myself. God. The universe. And how I have grown as a result. So when the time comes, I shall release…