When did I become one of those people who race down the escalator? I used to think what’s the point? Is 30 seconds really going to make a difference? When did 30 seconds become 3 minutes?
As I sat in defeat, watching the metro pass me by, I realized… 30 seconds earlier and I would’ve made it. I stared at my phone, slowly watching 30 seconds turn into 3 minutes. Arriving to the conclusion, that in life so many things depend on the smallest of margins. That, and how obsessed we are with time and how much we can fit into it. We want things done so quickly, yet when it comes to age we want to slow time down. 50 is the new 40, 40 the new 30, 30 the new 20, and 3 minutes the new 30 seconds.
Time is time. It waits for no one, nor does it accelerate for anyone. I personally do not merit the right to talk or write about time. It is the one concept in life that I continuously battle with every single day. And one of my biggest defects as a person. Am I going to be late? Do I have enough time? Can I fit one more thing? Two? Can they be done at the same time? Am I going to be late? Nine out of ten times the answer is yes. My lack of awareness and understanding for time, is one I do not comprehend because it is something that is constantly taking up space in my mind. How can you lack an understanding of something that you’re always thinking about?
I took it upon myself to look up the definition of time. What is time? Time: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole (according to google)
Not at all the definition I was expecting… I think I was expecting something more along the lines of something measured in hours and minutes, part of plan, schedule… instead it is the indefinite progress of existence… indicating that progress is part of time and vice versa, the two being in tandem with each other. Without the continued progress of existence and events, time ceases. We, humans, are also a ¨continued progress of existence¨ therefore we are part of time. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Is it fair to say, that I am part of the very concept that I am continuously attempting to understand and be better at?