Second official full day of this adventure. I’m desperate to get bearings but I’m taking it one day at a time. The amount of positive feedback and encouragement I’ve received from friends, family, and acquaintances has been so wonderfully, positively overwhelming, that it keeps me looking forward. It was so very nice to actually speak to someone face to face today! You appreciate those little things when you’re on your own.
However, I will say this: Silence has taught me a lot. It has taught me to be mindful, notice nature, pray, write, to appreciate my surroundings, and ultimately to have a true conversation with my thoughts. I have been able to delve past the superficial and go into the depth of what they really are, while at the same time remaining on the surface. Am I making any sense? In simpler terms, being on the surface and being mindful of what’s directly in front of you leads you to discover what is in your depth.
So far, I have had conversations with my diario. My journal and I talk every night, at around 8:30. It is mostly me doing the talking and the diario, the listening.